E3 Forensic Platform Release Details
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Computer Features
- New Windows artifacts have been added to the Data Triage:
- WER: This artifact provides reports of error on PC.
- Notifications: This contains notifications from apps on the notification list.
- New types of evidence have been added to the Compliance category for easier access:
- LinkedIn Compliance Archive Import
- Lyft Compliance Archive Import
- Uber Compliance Archive Import
- You can import these compliance archives through the Import Wizard to get data in the parsed format. Compliance Archive option has been added to the Import Wizard. All compliance archive options are now available on a new Compliance Archive page.
- New separate file of evidence has been added. Now you can add any file type supported by E3, including:
- Documents: .djvu, .doc, .docx, .docm, .epub, .html, .mobi, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .tex, .vsd, .xps
- Graphics: .bmp, .cdr, .dwg, .gif, .jpg, .png, .psd, .tiff
- Spreadsheets: .ods, .xls, .xlsx
- Uncategorized files
Cloud Features
- The import of Steam data has been added. The following data is available for importing:
- Account info
- Contacts list
- Direct messages
- Group chat list
- Group chats
- Login history
- User avatars
- The import of Amazon Alexa data has been updated and improved. Now you can import the following Activity data:
- Recording time
- Recording type
- Summary
- Audio
- Device name
- Sender name
- Sender type
Smartphone Features
- iOS 18 has been added to support. You can:
- Logically acquire devices with iOS 18
- Import device’s encrypted and non-encrypted backups
- Import Cellebrite iOS 18 backups and images
- Import GrayKey iOS 18 images
- iOS messages have been extended with new data:
- Audio message transcript data has been added: Now you can view an audio message preview or research its full text.
- SMS location data has been added: Location type, URL, title, name, address, coordinates, and details are available now.
- iOS 18 features:
- Information, if an app was hidden, is displayed in the Is Hidden column of the Installed Application List grid. *Note data is still acquired from the App if it is hidden.
- Information, if an app is passcode protected, is available in the Is Passcode Protected column of the Installed Application List grid.*Note data is still acquired from the App if it is hidden and passcode protected.
- Information that a message was scheduled is displayed now in the Messages grid.
- Parsing of db.
- Data on iOS device owner interactions with other persons via mobile services has been added: Timestamp, Interactor Name, Direction, Mobile Service ID, and more are available now in the Interactions grid accessible from the Parsed Data and Mobile Data Triage.
- Parsing of Bluetooth device data has been added for iOS devices.
- Android OS 15 has been added to support. It’s possible to:
- Logically acquire devices with Android OS 15
- Physically acquire devices with Android OS 15
- Parsing messages sent via RCS on Android OS devices has been improved. RCS messages are added to the MMS grid.
- Import of Cellebrite iOS filesystem dumps has been added.
- Support for GrayKey has been improved: Import of GrayKey images has been added.
- Android SMS grid has been split by 10 10,000 records per page to enhance E3 performance.
OSINT Features
- No additional updates.
Compliance Features
- Uber Archive Supported
- Lyft Archive Supported
- LinkedIn Archive Supported