E3 Forensic Platform Release Details
RELEASE version 3.6

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Version 3.6 Released Summer 2023
- New registry keys have been added to Data Triage:
- HKU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\ Identity\
- HKU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\<product name>\Reading Locations
- New categories have been added to Data Triage:
- Office Artifacts (including unsaved documents, MRU Service Cache, and aggmru)
- Office Custom Dictionary
- Possible problems with Batch export of mail storages have been fixed.

- Acquisition of devices with GrapheneOS has been added. You can acquire the following data from the GrapheneOS devices using logical acquisition:
- Contacts
- SMS History
- MMS History
- Call History
- Media Store
- Default Browser History
- Settings
- Calendar
- Installed Applications
- Application Data (with Application Downgrade)
- User Activity Timeline
- Device Properties
- Partial File System
- Android Triage acquisition has been updated to the Targeted-Triage You can use it to set up templates for acquiring only certain areas of data from Android devices.
- Information about open Safari Tabs and their groups is now received and parsed during the acquisition of devices with iOS 15 and higher or import of the IOS 15+ backups.
- A completely new Accelerometer Data grid has been added for Health application data parsing. It includes information about the number of steps, walked distance, and duration of walking.
- Problems with the Workouts data parsing for the health application have been fixed.
- Problems with LinkedIn and Facebook Messenger parsing during application downgrade have been fixed.
- Possible problems with EDL, MTK, and Spreadtrum plug-ins not working correctly have been fixed.
- Displaying of application parsing status during iOS data import and acquisition has been fixed.
- Instructions for preparing Android smartphones for acquisition have been updated to avoid receiving some additional warning messages on the device during acquisition.

- Microsoft Teams Business Cloud Import has been added. Teams Cloud import collects the following information:
- Profile Info.
- Full Teams information, including channels and threads.
- Chats both one on one and in groups.
- Two-factor authentication support for Teams for Business has been added.
- Live Remote Cloud Import for Teams for Business has been added.
- Remote Imaging support for AWS and Microsoft Azure
New statuses have been added to Instagram import notifying that the account has been CAPTCHA locked and requires manual interaction to continue import.

- No changes this release.

- A new OSINT Google Maps feature has been added. It allows for collecting public reviews left by a person on Google Maps.
- New statuses have been added to Instagram OSINT import notifying that the account has been CAPTCHA locked and requires manual interaction to continue import.
- New integration support with OSINT LIAR software. Details on the OSINT LIAR software can be found at: https://osintliar.com/