E3 Forensic Platform Release Details
RELEASE version 3.1
Halloween 2021

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Version 3.1 Released Halloween 2021
• Full Windows 11 support has been added.
• New Windows registry keys have been added to the new and existing subcategories of the Parsed Registry Data and Incident Response categories, namely:
• Auto-run
• CapabilityAccessManager
• Devices
• Issues occurred while using P2 eXplorer have been fixed.
• Potential issue with the Slack authentication token detection in case of two versions of Slack being installed on the same PC from different sources (the official site and Microsoft store) has been fixed.
Email Features:
• Support for additional MBox Archives:
• Evolution
• Kmail
• Sylpheed
• Claws Mail
Remote Imager Features:
• IPv6 support has been added for E3 Remote Imager.

- Android OS 12 has been added to the support.
- iOS 15.x support has been added for logical and physical acquisition.
- iOS 15.x support has been added for encrypted and non-encrypted backups import.
- Skip List feature has been added. Now, any rows from the parsed data in E3 data cases can be added to the Skip List either directly from the grids or while analyzing the search results. Skipped data will not appear in the search results, viewers, and reports.
- Displaying of the serial number for new Samsung devices acquired via Android Physical acquisition has been improved.
- Issue with the missing Application Permissions grid has been fixed for devices with iOS 14.x and higher. Now, the Application Permissions grid for iOS 14.x and higher includes additional information on the permission state.
- Issue with missing MMS text in the Search Results Report has been fixed.
- Issue with the incorrect names of the columns for iMessages in the Mobile Evidence Timeline report has been fixed.

- A potential issue with Facebook accounts authentication has been fixed.
- Issue with importing large attachments from Facebook posts has been fixed.

- No changes this release.

- Not available in this release.