Mobile Fast Track Training Now Online

Written by Alisha Cales

January 29, 2021

Paraben has been training individuals on mobile forensics since 2001, and with the global expansion of the mobile forensic profession, we are now taking our hands-on-course online. “With more and more options needed for remote instruction it was logical to have this popular class move to that format.” Stated Amber Schroader CEO & Founder

The Mobile Fast Track courses focus on all aspects of smartphone forensic investigations and what is needed to get a lab started in processing and also understanding the data. With 3-days of time dedicated to the file systems, acquisitions, and analysis there is no other course as well rounded to get you understanding smartphones.

For U.S. domestic students the course will include the option to have devices sent to you for a complete hands-on-experience and process acquisitions while watching video of the process. Your course instructor is online and can get into a one-on-one session with you to help with questions. It is the perfect hybrid of options to make sure you get course instruction that works with remote learning options. Learn proven analysis methods for all types of smartphones. In-depth review on both Android and iOS devices with advanced learning on how these devices are structured and how they work.  This course will be taught with a combination of recorded lectures and labs.  The convenience of learning all online is perfect for the global expansion of the field

Paraben offers live demonstrations and fully-functional trials of Paraben’s E3 Platform by reaching out to or to setup your review of the powerful digital forensic software.

About Paraben Corporation:

Founded in 1999 Paraben has been innovating technology for 20 years. In 2001 Paraben released the first foundation solution for mobile devices, smartphones, email, and gaming system forensics.  Paraben has been forging new approaches for dealing with digital evidence.  Paraben’s focus on mobility led to many other areas of innovation, including the research and development into the Internet of Things (IoT) with the Forensics of EverythingTM (FoE).  Paraben supports logical and physical images with mobile devices and supports 100% of smartphones on the market.  In addition, Paraben can add to an existing arsenal with specialized tools for unique data, such as network email servers, local email archives, internet related data, and gaming systems.  Paraben provides software with a unified vision and interface for dealing with all types of digital data.  From start-to-finish, Paraben offers solutions that can build new capabilities into any digital investigation.

Press Releases

Customer experience improvements and new features in E3 3.8

Customer experience improvements and new features in E3 3.8

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